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Access2PostgreSQL PRO

Bi-direction database conversion tool for MS Access and PostgreSQL databases


"Bi-direction for MS Access and PostgreSQL databases, database conversion tool"
zagruzit.com Editor: MS Access PostgreSQL or from PostgreSQL MS Access databases to convert a fast and reliable! An entire database or to continue with the Operate only necessary tables, fields, indexes and foreign keys to select! To achieve the desired results only through wizard interface or command line mode by configuring several options! For Access and PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL DBConvert migration to another PostgreSQL database or to another PostgreSQL server is to apply to. Moreover, DBConvert for Access & PostgreSQL quite well for copying MS Access database is MS Access database.

High-speed data conversion and performance
Now try and make sure it's true! Source and target databases for Access and PostgreSQL DBConvert establishes a direct connection. With an increase in the conversion quality, the data are much faster and more universal converters which use ODBC or ADO compared to many will be transferred. With minimum effort and time fully developed for the solution of the problem!

Possible conversion errors prior to conversion Preverification
Verify where possible conversion errors started! To prevent is better to fix! Our tool displays errors and table objects in advance potential problems. A goal can make some mistakes in the database of conflict of issues that a little restructuring in the conversion process to eliminate the only contact is easy.
I do not care

Safe data conversion and database integrity
Is your data security. Our converter will do for you! DBConvert for Access & PostgreSQL) all PostgreSQL server and the ( `Blobs MS Access data types, including` and `OLE Object` packages support. Primary keys, indexes and foreign keys, MS Access (relations) are supported in the best way.

Conditional data migration
Manage your database with the help of integrated data filters transformation. Define the conditions required for filtering and conversion to receive only certain data. can free download Access2PostgreSQL PRO 3.1.0 now.

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